TARGET LANGUAGE: Countable and Uncountable Nouns connected to the "Food and Drink".
AGE: 12
In this activity, students will learn how to use properly the "Countable and Uncountable nouns" and widen their vocabulary about the topic of "Food and Drink". For this reason, it has been created a set of worksheet which include: Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing and Game so that students can better understand and practice not only the Target Language but aslo the Target Grammar.
In fact, in the first worksheet students will do two exercises about much/many and any connected to the topic of the "Food", then they will do a T/F exercise and work a little bit on the Vocabulary.
In the second worksheet, students will improve the Vocabulary by reflecting on the meaning of the given words and asking each other some questions about the topic.
Subsequently, in the third worksheet they are suppose to work on the Writing by answering some questions given in the exercise.
Lastly, in the fourth worksheet, students will do a food boardgame in a group of 4-5 people where they have to say aloud a name of a food or drink, answer some question and so on, depending on the box they get through the die and every time they are mistaken, they have to restart the game. The winner is the person who is going to finish the game without any mistakes.